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Why Not Win?

Why Not Win? is a front-row seat to how one man altered his thinking to transform his life and the community around him. Thornton was able to surpass the low expectations that were imposed on him in childhood classroom settings with the help of a teacher who challenged him to expand his aspirations. Thornton, a trained artist, went on to successfully climb the ladder in corporate America despite ongoing racial prejudice and microaggressions from peers and subordinates. These experiences prepared him for an entrepreneurial career where he broke ceilings and blazed trails as the first African American to own a McDonald’s franchise in Birmingham. Despite challenges, he persevered by learning to appreciate and embrace diversity, placing others first, and pursuing an unwavering commitment to service. 

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This thorny journey was peppered with threats, attempts to thwart his mission and the dissolution of personal relationships. However, determined to succeed and defeat life’s obstacles, Larry absorbed the “try, try and try again” motto. By doing so he unlocked one of life’s greatest lessons — failure is simply a part of the journey to success. Thornton’s journey from Madison Park, Montgomery, has been a long, but worthwhile one. “Why Not Win?” reflects on his most useful lessons and the anecdotes associated with them.

Why Not Win?
  • Education
  • Perseverance
  • Diversity
  • Failure
  • Gratitude
  • Commitment
  • Winning

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